STI Molecular Testing Kit


DTPM offers Advanced Diagnostic Testing for physicians, clinicians, and healthcare facilities. Our goal is to provide clear, accurate diagnostic reports, empowering clinicians to make the most informed treatment decisions. We even offer interpretive services for complex, molecular genetics test results, where the informed analysis of field experts can be of invaluable assistance.


Now your lab can provide healthcare providers with the quickest and most accurate results possible to allow them to determine an accurate diagnosis:

  • Expedited patient results
  • Identifies pathogens which are difficult to culture
  • Yields greater than 95% analytical sensitivity and specificity
  • Multiple collection techniques
  • Direct access to experience scientific staff
  • Personal customer service experience

For Research Use Only. Not for use In diagnostic procedures.


DTPM, Inc. is a nationwide provider of laboratory products, services, and solutions. DTPM has partnered with laboratories since 1993 to provide a comprehensive array of instrumentation, custom assays, laboratory consumables, supplies, and ongoing service and support.

Call Us: 256-845-1261

Pathogens detected by the DTPM STI Molecular Testing Kit:

Pathogen Strain(s) Identified* Target Gene GenBank Accession Number Amplicon1 (base pairs) BLAST Score2 Range (High/Low) Sequences3 Reviewed Matches4 (True Positives) Specificity5
Chlamydia trachomatis Chlamydia trachomatis gyrA NC_021888.1 66 132 1.02E+08 296 100%
Gardnerella vaginalis Gardnerella vaginalis tuf NZ_NJFH02000002.1 60 120 1.02E+08 19 100%
Haemophilus ducreyi Haemophilus ducreyi gyrA NZ_CP015434.1 61 122 1.02E+08 28 100%
Herpes simplex 1 Human herpesvirus 1, Human alphaherpesvirus 1 DNA polymerase NC_001806.2 111 204/194 1.02E+08 813 100%
Herpes simplex 2 Human herpesvirus 2, Human alphaherpesvirus 2 DNA polymerase NC_001798 97 194/160 1.02E+08 437 100%
Mycoplasma genitalium Mycoplasma genitalium gyrA NC_000908.2 146 146 1.02E+08 8 100%
Mycoplasma hominis Micoplasma hominis, Metamycoplasma hominis KtrB CP009652 79 158/153 1.02E+08 21 100%
Neisseria gonorrhoeae Neisseria gonorrhoeae gyrA NZ_LT591897.1 64 128 1.02E+08 179 100%
Treponema pallidum Treponema pallidum, T paraluiscuniculi Omp NZ_LT986434.1 63 126/121 1.02E+08 540 100%
Trichomonas vaginalis Trichomonas vaginalis FD M33717.1 88 176 1.02E+08 20 100%
Ureaplasma urealyticum Ureaplasma urealyticum ureC NC_011374 75 150 1.02E+08 8 100%

  1. The Amplicon is the amplified piece of DNA which contains the Fwd, Rev and Probe sequence. Sequence between the Fwd, Rev and Probe are also included in Amplicon.
  2. The BLAST Score describes how similar the Amplicon sequence is to aligned sequences in the non-redundant GenBank Database. The range shown as High/Low reflects the highest and lowest scores for a pathogen that would generate a positive response using this assay.
  3. The number of sequences reviewed reflect the total number sequences in the non-redundant GenBank database on the date of the analysis. This number will change as new sequences are added to the GenBank database.
  4. Matches reflect the total number of pathogens identified in the BLAST search that would generate a positive ressponse. Statistically these are the number of True Positives (the diagnostic test would indicates the presence of the correct disease) = TP
  5. False positive (FP) – Test incorrectly detects the presence of pathogen in a sample that does not contain the pathogen. Shown as an incorrect pathogen in the BLAST analysis with a Score within the High/Low range listed for the assay.
    True negative (TN) – Test correctly identifies absence of pathogen. Calculated from BLAST data as the (total number of sequences reviewed) – (total number of pathogens correctly detected or TP).

Specificity = TN / TN + FP

* If you have inquiries about specific strains, please contact DTPM support.

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